Ordinary General Assembly of the MAWUSSI cooperative of Howuivé (prefecture of the Avé) (Welcoming remarks of the president)
In the first fortnight of March 2016, the cooperatives KEKELI and MAWUSSI respectively of the villages of Awatomé and Howuivé of the prefecture of Avé (south-west of Togo) organized their Ordinary General Assemblies (AGO ). The various cooperative officials and their respective members were present to take stock of the 2015 exercise and to plan the activities and budget for 2016.
CREDI through its mission “to work for the sustainable development of populations living in rural and urban areas in Togo through actions in support of food security and access to basic health services”, initiated with the ” Financial support for “Brot für die Welt” -Pain for the World- a grassroots support program. This program, entitled “Support Program for the Development of Sustainable Agriculture and Community Health in the Prefectures of the Avé, Gulf and Vo”, whose first component is support for sustainable family farming, Aims to “increase the monetary income of producers (farmers as livestock farmers) and agricultural cooperatives in the prefectures of Vo and Avé on the one hand and on the other hand to reforest school and family plots”.
It is therefore within the framework of the implementation of this program that CREDI accompanies:
- cooperatives and their members from their organization to the marketing of agricultural products or processing products;
- breeders in improving their husbandry practices;
- producers and schools wishing to reforest.
Thus, the various cooperatives that have been set up meet periodically to plan their future activities and take stock of past periods.
To this end, the KEKELI and MAWUSSI cooperatives of the Avé prefecture met for their AGO in March 2016 in order to take stock of the 2015 financial year on the one hand and, on the other hand, Adopt the action plan and budget for the year.
It is said that all planned activities for the financial year 2015 have been carried out both at the level of the KEKELI cooperative and the MAWUSSI cooperative.
It was also found that monetary income from the implementation of activities increased by 10% and 13% respectively compared to those obtained in 2014.
The action plans drawn up on behalf of the year 2016 were adopted by all the members of each of these cooperatives. However, some difficulties noted during the execution of the activities were highlighted. These include the low level of education of the members of the management committees, which makes the various cooperatives dependent on support structures in the preparation and presentation of their balance sheets and annual action plans.
Ordinary General Assemblies took place in a cordial atmosphere between the various members present, and the latter appreciated the different developments noted in the execution of their activities. They plan to strengthen their inputs for better results in the future.